Thursday, June 24, 2010

The prophets...maybe profits

Are the prophets of the Old Testament still relevant? Can they teach us anything in our day and age? Unfortunately, I think they are as relevant today as they were in the time of ancient Israel. Why would I say unfortunately?? It is because they delivered the news of God's impending judgement to a people who were not interested in hearing about how they have not lived up to the covenant. A prophet was a person called by God who had the gift to reflect on the past and understand how God worked in the world in the past, and then to provide guidance in their present reality. In Israel, history seemed to repeat itself over, over, and over again. God used those people who understood that breaking the covenant with God would bring God's judgement. The prophet would warn the King and people, they would have time to repent, but repentance rarely came and the judgement of God would fall on the people.

Why are they relevant? As people, we are all responsible for the the period of history we are born into. A response is demanded of each generation. We are responsible for the political climate, wealth, social justice, caring for the most vulnerable in society... and idolatry is rampant in many forms in this modern world. Many of the things that are in disarray in our own society, are the things that God severely judged Israel for. We live under the New Covenant, but does that give us protection from the judgment of God? In this country, is there any doubt that we have been blessed beyond all nations on earth? With that will come responsibility. Morally, this country has lost its way, God is quickly becoming an afterthought. A small minority of atheists are trying to eliminate God from all aspects of public life and are succeeding. We sit back as Christians and get steamrolled. With blessing comes responsibility.

Are we to ask God to bless us for the multitude of sins, social ills, and indifference there is in this world (like Israel's ancient days) or are we to repent and ask mercy. If one of these ancient prophets walked our streets announcing God's impending judgement...even Christians would laugh them off because we feel to secure...after all we are covenant people and we're God's favorites. That's what Israel thought. With our present course in this country, it will not be long before we are bankrupt, profits or prophets will not matter, and we could experience a way of life foreign to all of us. God's favorite Israel was sent to captivity. Are we immune from it? Only God can save us from impending politician or army. A response is needed from every generation. The prophets told us to turn our hearts back to happens one person at a time.

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