Friday, June 18, 2010

Laodicea made Jesus sick?

In the book of Revelation, Jesus tells the Church at Laodicea that they are neither cold nor hot...but He prefers they were. The problem was that He said they were lukewarm in which case He would vomit them out His mouth. What does this mean? If the people were hot, they would love Him, if they were cold they would hate Him. Even hating Jesus was preferable to being lukewarm. If you are lukewarm, you do not care one way or the other, which seems to make Jesus ill. Jesus can work with someone who hates Him because at least they have passion and care. To the person who gives no care for the things of God, there is nothing Jesus can do.

I did a funeral Mass recently for a person who really struggled with their faith in the last quarter of their life. When their spouse died early, their faith became unhinged in many ways. There was a struggle with God and most likely a notion that God had abandoned them. This person stopped going to Mass and really wrestled with faith. Talking to the family, I found out that they knew they secretly watched Mass on TV and would lock the door and pray a lot. They knew of prayer books this person had. This person was struggling and wrestling with God...which I found very endearing. There is no play book for the perfect Christian faith and understanding of God...God is just to immense to contain in our human understanding.

As Jesus states in Revelation though, Jesus does not condemn for a lack of wisdom or understanding. Jesus condemns Laodicea because they do not care at all. They don't care about their relationship with God enough to even try. I think back to this particular person who struggled with God all those years...they cared and they cared a lot to keep praying and struggling with their faith. It was a beautiful thing, and then to be reconciled at the end of their life in the sacraments of the Church. God's grace and love is amazing, no matter how we feel at any particular time in our life.

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