Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm outta here

This weekend in Milwaukee we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Why on earth is this a good thing that Jesus left us (let alone we celebrate it)? Logically, it would most likely be a good thing that Jesus stayed for a while and moderated at the very least, the early Church. But even Jesus said it would be better if I left. It was Jesus' desire to send the comforter or Holy Spirit. We will celebrate that feast next weekend at Pentecost. With all the disunity in the Church, the disunity between Christians, and conflicting opinions, it seems that Jesus' presence in the world a bit longer might have been good for us as perhaps many more questions would have been settled.

Perhaps, but the gift of the Holy Spirit would not have happened for the Apostle's if Jesus had stayed. It was the gift of the Holy Spirit that enabled the Apostle's the courage and wisdom to begin and spread the Church to the corners of the world. It is the same gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to do the same thing in the physical absence of Jesus. Jesus tells us in John 5:31 that if I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. It is the witnesses of Jesus' life, words, and deeds that need to form and nurture the Church. The testimony of the Apostle's, and the testimony of Christians everywhere as to what Jesus has done in their life speaks volumes.

Changed lives and lives that reflect a change in direction witness to Jesus living inside the believer. Repentance does not mean "sorry" but to "change your mind." It is only from the fact that Jesus left us on earth to be self-determining, that we were gifted back with Jesus in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Jesus knew He could work in every single believer in time and do His work through them, not just as a teacher and preacher on earth giving words that can be forgotten. Jesus leaving assured Himself that He will have ears, hands, feet, eyes, and mouths in every generation. It was Jesus' departure that insured His presence for us today and until He returns.

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