Thursday, October 1, 2009

Truth?! What is truth?!

These words may be ringing through the ears of Pontius Pilate for eternity. As human beings, we can access the truth if we search. Pilate was not interested in searching for the truth anymore than so many people today. The truth is so often what we want it to be. My truth lets me lead my life the way I want and others are free to follow. This denial of an absolute truth is called relativism in today's society.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (see 1975-1983) sums up that there is Truth and that it is not open to interpretation by the prevailing winds of public opinion or personal "feelings." Feelings are based on emotion and have usually not stood the rigors of soul searching, informing the conscience based on what God has revealed to creation, (unfortunately, this is the last measuring stick if it is used at all) or informing oneself through any other means of education.

God gave the law almost 3500 years ago and it is still valid. God does not change nor does God's Law change for society. The Law was given perfectly because God is perfect and has perfect knowledge. It is pretty arrogant of the created to say that such and such law is obsolete in today's world. Society and humanity has changed, not God.

The Catechism (paragraph 1978) states that "the natural law is a participation in God's wisdom and goodness by man formed in the image of his creator. It expresses the dignity of the human person..." All of God's Law's have given us as human beings a special dignity. When we choose to ignore God's Law, our dignity is harmed whether we know it or not. We can choose to believe God was right the first time when the Law was given and still is, or believe that God's Law is changable based on how humans feel at the time. That is step #1 in a search for the Truth. Is God's Law valid and it is a question we all must know and believe in our hearts.

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