Monday, September 14, 2009


Ignorance will not free us from the civil law and ignorance will not free us from the responsibility of God's law. The hectic pace of our lives makes it difficult to pursue a relationship with God that includes learning all we can about our redeemer and savior. A loving relationship with Christ is not just for eternity. It is for the here and now and it is what is expected of us. Class and continuing education is sometimes not a reality for us so it is my wish to extend this opportunity to you via the web to learn more about God. As always, you have the option to spend as much or as little time as possible in this quest. I will post about once a week and the content of this site will be information that every confirmed Catholic should know. My goal is to help you deepen your relationship and understanding with God so that you can answer the tough questions in life when they arise. The more one knows about the way God works in the world, the easier it is to handle life's problems. Please take a few minutes every week and hit the favorites key for easy access to this forum. May God bless you.

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